Monete, medaglie e banconote

Peter Rapp AG – Toggenburgerstrasse 139 P.O. Box 276 – CH-9500 Wil, Switzerland Phone 0041 71 923 77 44 Fax 0041 71 923 92 20 e-mail: –

Monete, banconote e medaglie

Bolaffi Aste Spa – via Cavour, 17 – 10123 Torino Tel. 011/0199101 – –

The Strand Stamp Fair

Filatelia, storia postale. Presso The Galleon Suite at the Royal National Hotel, Bedford Way, London WC1 0DG. Orario: 9-15. Ingresso libero

Banconote dal mondo

Spink – 69 Southampton Row – Bloomsbury – London WC1B 4ET – Tel: +44(0)2075634000 – Fax: +44(0)2075634066 – Email:

The Strand Stamp Fair

Filatelia, storia postale. Presso The Galleon Suite at the Royal National Hotel, Bedford Way, London WC1 0DG. Orario: 9-15. Ingresso libero

YORK Stamp & Coin Fair

Filatelia, storia postale, banconote e medaglie. Presso The Grandstand, York Racecourse – Racecourse Road, Knavesmire Road, York YO23 1EX, United Kingdom. Orario: ven. 10-17, sab. 10-16. Ingresso e parcheggio liberi. Circa 130 espositori

The Strand Stamp Fair

Filatelia, storia postale. Presso The Galleon Suite at the Royal National Hotel, Bedford Way, London WC1 0DG. Orario: 9-15. Ingresso libero

ONLINE: banconote dal mondo

Spink – 69 Southampton Row – Bloomsbury – London WC1B 4ET – Tel: +44(0)2075634000 – Fax: +44(0)2075634066 – Email:

The Strand Stamp Fair

Filatelia, storia postale. Presso The Galleon Suite at the Royal National Hotel, Bedford Way, London WC1 0DG. Orario: 9-15. Ingresso libero

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